Online Dealer and Title Class

These online series of classes are specifically for use by anyone planning on becoming a New Hampshire authorized dealer, or any authorized dealer wishing to take a refresher class.

NH Dealer and Title Rules

All licensed authorized dealers are required to be certified on all Dealer Administrative Rules and laws. This series of six classes takes approximately 95 minutes to successfully complete. A certificate may be printed and the class can be reviewed at any time. To request access to this online class, you must email the Title Bureau at and include the following information:

  • The name of your organization
  • The address of your organization
  • The telephone number of your organization
  • The fax number of your organization
  • The full name of the person making the request
  • The email address of the person making the request
  • The job title of the person making the request
  • The NH Dealer Number (only if requesting a refresher class)

The Title Bureau will then contact the requestor and provide him/her with a password for an account specifically created for your organization. Once you receive your password, you may then begin the online class. Classes are separated by Auto Wholesale Dealer and Retail Vehicle Dealer (which includes all dealer types).

Types of Dealers

For more information about the different dealer types, please visit the webpages below: