Motor Vehicle Dealers

Information regarding becoming a Motor Vehicle Dealer in New Hampshire.

In accordance with RSA 261:103-b "Unlicensed Sales Prohibited" - No person may sell 5 or more vehicles at retail to the general public in any consecutive 12-month period unless the person has an established place of business and a valid dealer license issued under RSA 261:103-a.

Currently, there are more than 2,400 automobile dealers in the State of New Hampshire. All dealers must be registered with the New Hampshire Secretary of State, be approved by the local town or city for occupancy, as well as be site visited by New Hampshire State Police in order to operate in the State of New Hampshire. All dealers are responsible to renew their license by March 31 of every two years on the even numbered years (i.e. 2022, 2024, 2026, etc.).  If a Dealer is opened during an odd numbered year, they would need to renew during the next even numbered year.  For example:  A dealer approved in 2023, would be required to renew their license in 2024, and then every two years after that. 

Please visit the webpages below for information on the type of dealer you wish to apply for:

Upon approval, prior to issuance of plates, dealers must take a dealer/title review class of state laws and rules.