Retail Vehicle Dealer
What you need to know about becoming a Retail Vehicle Dealer.
A Retail Dealer License is for any person engaged in the motor vehicle business who sells five (5) or more motor vehicles at retail to the general public in a 12 month period, with an established place of business within this state.
- Retail Vehicle License is $125 due at the time of Application for Retail Dealer License and Registration (additional fees will be assessed upon approval).
- Surety Bond of $25,000 in the business name and business legal address.
- Approval from local & state authorities.
- Established place of business.
- Regular business hours 37½ hours per week.
- Original service agreement with an approved New Hampshire Inspection Station, if you do not have your own.
- Original Criminal Background check from New Hampshire (out-of-state residents must provide a Criminal background check from their home state, as well as from New Hampshire).
- Successfully completion of the title/dealer class is required upon approval.
Location Requirements:
- Permanent physical structure that has at least 750 square feet or is primarily dedicated to the business of selling (RSA 259:29-a III (b)).
- Signage must be visible from a public way with 10 inch letters.
- Single business location - requiring Registration Certificate.
- Permanent heating system.
- Only dirt floors are acceptable for heavy equipment and farm equipment.
- Electrical outlets as stated in state code.
- Plates may be displayed on the rear of a vehicle which is owned by the dealership and for sale or a consignment vehicle as long as there is a notarized consignment agreement on the premises.
- These vehicles are not exempt from inspection unless they have a certificate of origin.
- For demonstration – there shall be no obstruction in the windshield due to advertising etc. while the vehicle is being demonstrated.
- Personal use is permitted by the dealer owner and family domiciled at the owner's home.
- Full-time employees (employed at 37½ hours a week), at the discretion of the owner, may have personal use of a vehicle with a dealer plate. Employee's family members do not have use of the vehicle. Contract employees are not considered full-time employees. Vehicles must display all legally required stickers.
- Dealer plates may be used on wreckers, ramp trucks and service trucks if they are clearly marked, in 3 inch letters, Not For Hire (parts trucks are not permitted).
- Only vehicles owned by the dealership and have a valid NH inspection sticker may have the dealer plate attached.
- Loaning of plates is prohibited.