Title Search
What you need to know regarding Title searches.
A Title Search is an inquiry of:
- How many owners a vehicle has had.
- The lienholder of a vehicle.
- The exact mileage accumulated on a vehicle.
- The proof of and when a title was issued.
- The brand on a vehicle.
Request a Title Search
Title searches can be requested by attorneys, private investigators, towing companies and repair garages.
To request a title search, a Request for Motor Vehicle Records (DSMV 505) must be completed and mailed or brought in person, along with the $20.00 fee and a Certificate of Authority (see sample), to:
NH Dept. of Safety
DMV - Title
23 Hazen Drive
Concord NH 03305
Abandoned and Unclaimed Vehicles
Any individual or company seeking title and ownership records for the purposes of the Abandoned and/or Unclaimed Vehicle (RSA 262:32-36a) must complete and submit a Request for Motor Vehicle Records (DSMV 505) form, a Certificate of Authority (see sample) and a TDMV71 (Notice of Removal).
A Certificate of Authority consists of a letter, on company letterhead, listing the names of those individuals from a company who are authorized to receive this information or record. The letter must be typed, dated and signed by the owner. A new certificate of authority must be submitted each calendar year.
On the Release Of Motor Vehicle Records (DSMV 505), in section III: Requested Records please check off the box that reads "other" and write "Abandoned", as there are no choices for Abandoned Vehicles. There is no fee required to obtain this information for requests within NH; there is a $25.00 fee for out-of-state requests.
The Notice of Compliance (TDMV109), Verification of VIN (TDMV19A), and the Report of Sale or Transfer of a Non-Titled Motor Vehicle (TDMV22A) are filled out and given to the new buyer of the vehicle. Please do not submit them to the Title Bureau.