Accident Records FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions regarding Accident Reports
I was in a crash. Am I required to file an accident report?
If the police responded, no. If the police did not respond, and the combined damages were over $1,000.00 or someone was injured, you must file an Operator Report.
How can I obtain a copy of a crash/accident report?
For detailed information on how to obtain a copy of a crash/accident report, please visit Accident Reports.
Someone was involved in a crash while driving my vehicle. Who is required to complete the accident report?
The person who was driving your vehicle.
Does New Hampshire require insurance on a vehicle?
No. New Hampshire is not a mandatory or compulsory insurance state. Proof of insurance may be required as the result of a conviction, crash involvement, or administrative action. If you are required to file proof of insurance and vehicles are registered in your name, you will be required to file an Owners SR-22 Certificate of Insurance.
An uninsured motorist hit my vehicle. How can I get restitution?
If the combined damages are over $1,000.00 or there is personal injury and the uninsured motorist is at fault, New Hampshire can suspend the uninsured motorist's driver license and registration privileges.
To request that an uninsured motorist's driver license and registration privileges be suspended, submit the following to the FR Crash Unit:
- A copy of a police report or an Operator Report.
- A written damage estimate.
- A written request for New Hampshire to take action.
What can New Hampshire do if an uninsured motorist is an out-of-state resident?
The person's privilege to drive in New Hampshire will be suspended, and his/her home state will be notified of the suspension.
Can a minor be suspended for an uninsured crash?
Yes, a parent/guardian will be responsible only if there is a judgment in court against them.
I am an uninsured motorist who has been in a crash and my privileges have been suspended. If I cannot reach a mutual agreement with the other party, what can I do to satisfy the security requirement for restitution?
You can post restitution with DMV. Restitution must be for the full amount and shall be accepted in only one of the following forms:
- A certified check or money order, made payable to the "State of NH-DMV" for the exact amount specified; or
- Cash for the exact amount specified; or
- A standard interest bearing savings account in the exact amount specified, accompanied by a signed order of withdrawal.
Restitution may be submitted in person or mailed to:
NH Dept. of Safety
DMV - FR Crash Unit
23 Hazen Drive
Concord, NH 03305
I was involved in a fatal crash, how can I obtain a copy the report?
- Complete a Release of Motor Vehicle Records (DSMV 505).
- If the report has been released, you should receive your accident report within thirty (30) working days.
What does it mean that a report has to be "released"?
Once a fatal report has been completed, a copy is forwarded to the County Attorney's office. The County Attorney's office may not release the report pending litigation. A fatal report may not be available for several months following the crash.
Why does it take so long to get a copy of a fatal report?
Much investigation is done to determine the circumstances leading up to the crash. This data comes from many sources, and it takes time to process it, as the report may be lengthy.
How can I obtain crash data?
For a specific location, please contact the Department of Transportation at (603) 271-1699. National crash data may be obtained from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Who can I contact if I have questions regarding fatal crash data?
Who can I contact if I have questions regarding fatal crash data?
NH Dept. of Safety
DMV - Fatal Crash Unit
23 Hazen Drive
Concord, NH 03305
(603) 227-4185